Saturday, April 6, 2019

C9020-568 Pdf Training Guides

C9020-568 Pdf Training Guides
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Question: 1

How is RTO defined?

A. The amount of time it takes to complete the network recovery.
B. The amount of data loss thats deemed acceptablefrom a disaster
C. The amount of time it takes to restore the user profiles
D. The amount of time it takes to recover from a disaster

Answer: D

Question: 2

A customer is looking for a storage solution to backup data in the environment. What is the recommended solution from a price and performance standpoint?

A. Flash

Answer: B

Question: 3

A storage administrator needs to set storage alerts for the IBM DS8886, IBM Spectrum Virtualize, and EMC DMX.
Which product enables this ability?

B. IBM Storage Alert Manager
C. IBM Spectrum Scale
D. IBM Spectrum Control

Answer: D

Question: 4

A customer has existing fiber attached storage that has reached the end of life. The customer wants a scalable solution that is easy to manage and integrates with VMware. The customer has a preference for an IBM XIV based solution, but is concerned about migrating the existing data and boots volumes.
Which explanation best addresses the customers concern?

A. IBMXIV has both a vCenter and VAAI plug-in.
B. IBM XIV has a build in capability to copy the existing data.
C. Thin provisioning on the IBM XIV will reduce the necessary capacity of the XIV.
D. An IBM Spectrum Control must be included

Answer: A

Question: 5

How many ports from a full 15 module IBM XIV Storage System are recommended initially to connect to an IBM Spectrum Virtualize Controller?

A. 16
B. 8
C. 12
D. 24

Answer: D

Question: 6

Which non-concurrent capacity upgrade is possible for a customer with IBM FlashSystem 900?

A. Systems purchased with eight 2 TB flash modules can be expanded to twelve 4 TB Flash modules.
B. Systems purchased with eight 2 TB flash modules can be expanded to twelve 2 TB Flash modules.
C. Systems purchased witheight 4 TB flash modules can be expanded to twelve 2 TB Flash modules.
D. Systems purchased with eight 2 TB flash modules can be expanded to twelve 4 TB Flash modules.

Answer: B

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Latest and Easy to Understand C9020-568 PDF

All of the information we provide in our C9020-568 training kits and C9020-568 prep guide will be relevant to the current syllabus of the IBM Enterprise Storage Technical Support V5. We keep track of latest technology updates that might also require changes to our IBM C9020-568 study guide. Thus, we can confidently say that all of our C9020-568 PDF is up-to-date.

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